Social Security Office
1570 W Battlefield St. STE 100
Springfield, MO 65807
Tel: 1-877-772-1213
Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

NOTE: Social Security offices are open by individual appointment only, one person per appointment; call ahead to schedule. Appointments take approximately 15-25 minutes per person, and students must bring the SSI form already completed/filled in.
The nearest Social Security office is 40 miles north of Branson in Springfield, Missouri. Often, your employer will assist in organizing social security office appointments and transportation. If you are an employer wishing to schedule an appointment for a group of students, please contact us.
You will need to take the following documentation with you when you apply for your Social Security card:
DS-2019 Form
Social Security Application - Form SS5 (complete this form before arriving at the SS Office)
New online social security number application form Here. Once your Online Social Security Number Application has been submitted, you will receive a successful submission confirmation page that includes a unique Online Control Number. It is important that you have the Online Control Number when you arrive to finish your application in person.)
Social Security FAQs:

Do I have to apply for a Social Security card?
Yes. All participants must apply for a Social Security Number in order to work, open a bank account, or file a tax return. (*participants are eligible to begin work with their receipt of application from the Social Security office)

If I already have a social security number, do I need to apply for another one?
No. If you already have a Social Security Number, you do not need to apply for a new one. If you do not have your physical Social Security card, or if you do not remember your number, you may visit the Social Security Administration office to replace your card for free.

When should I apply?
It is recommended by the Social Security office that you wait approximately 10 days after your arrival to the US and after notifying your sponsor of your arrival before applying for a Social Security Number.

When will I receive my social security card in the mail?
It may take 4-6 weeks to receive your Social Security card in the mail. It is very important that the address listed on your application is accurate.

How do I start work while waiting for my social security number?
After applying for a Social Security Number, the Social Security office will issue a receipt. This is an importatnt document which you can give to your employer to show that you have applied for a Social Security Number and are eligible to begin work. This receipt can also be shown if you are asked for a Social Security Number when you open a bank account.